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Afrolynk's Projects

Clean Water and Sanitation SDG 6 Innovation Challenge


The objective was to identify innovators, startups and designs in Ghana innovating around SDG 6 that is clean water and sanitation. The company Grundfos is committed to that goal. Afrolynk partnered with five other hubs and four universities to develop solutions to the challenge. The collaborative efforts of professors, students, faculty and a selection of startups and hubs were used for this project. It included training in new technology and existing technology to create new opportunities and relationships between the industry and academia in developing sustainable solutions for the challenge.

The Afrolynk team partnered with 5 main hubs and 4 main Universities to develop solutions around the topic of the challenge. This collaborative work was between the professors, students and faculty members for the project. Afrolynk also connected hubs, innovators and startups in Ghana. The project also included a series of pitch events, expert analysis to identify scalable and sustainable solutions for the challenge. The project also included training in new technology and existing technology in the area and created new opportunities and relationships between industry and academia in developing sustainable solutions for world challenges. A closing seminar was organized in the presence of the main stakeholders (Grundfos Future Labs, Universities, Hubs, Media, Startups)

WESP - Women Entrepreneurs Support Program


A program to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and assistance for women entrepreneurs to build strong businesses. The program focuses on three areas: personal development, business development and community development. Before the project, only 50 women in business were supported in the western region. Many of these women were unfamiliar with the process required to formally register a business with the registrar general department. They had never received formal training in business or entrepreneurship. The Business Advisory Center and the Chamber of Commerce partnered to assist them in getting their legal documents in order.

Women Entrepreneurs Support Program is a program to provide the needed knowledge, skills and assistance for Women entrepreneurs, founders and executives to build strong and resilient business. The program focuses on 3 areas. 1. Personal development of the women in terms of mindset, emotional intelligence, leadership skills etc 2. Business development- equip them with business knowledge and skills. 3. Community development - which prepares them to be agents of change in the community. All in all, 50 women in business were supported in the Western Region. A total of 40 business owners and entrepreneurs were women over the age of 24; 10 of them were between the ages of 18 and 23. Ninety percent of these women have never received any formal entrepreneurship training. Through this project, that changed. A total of 15 of the women had not registered their businesses formally with the registrar's general department, and were unaware of the process. The Business Advisory Center and the Chamber of Commerce partnered to assist them in getting their legal documentation in order. Women who were having difficulty registering with the FDA were assisted. This training has proven crucial, with the effects of the war now, with serious increases in fuel and food prices, the participants were equipped with strategies to thrive and be resilient during these tough times. Thirty of the companies have seen significant economic growth. A wide range of useful technology and digital tools were introduced to the 50 participants. As a result of the training, jobs have been created. Moreover, the training has created a vibrant community of female entrepreneurs in the region.

Data Science Training


The National Female Pre-Tech training was organized by the Ghana Tech Lab in collaboration with Afrolynk between May and June 2022. This training was introduced to train women in the basics of Data Science and its benefits to them and society. This Data Science program focused on providing young women between the ages of 18-35 with competent skills in Power BI, Python, Coding, and experiences that are relevant to starting their own startup or securing a job to promote entrepreneurship under the pathway to sustainable employment.

As a result of the program, 17 Women were trained and certified. New entrepreneurship opportunities were created. Over 32 remote jobs were generated. 5 new start-ups have been established through Data science training. This training has opened the door to training more people in the region.

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John Doe

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